Skill Building

stone tools
stone tools

Learn friction and other fire starting techniques, including bow drill, hand drill and flint and steel.

Learn to make shelters from the environment around you. From a simple lean to, up to a much more intricate wikiup.

Learn to make tools from the environment around you.Learn which rocks are knappable and how to use concoidial fracture mechanics to your advantage.

Learn to craft and use this ancient spear thrower that was used to hunt the megafauna during the ice age and is still used to this day by the bushmen of Australia.

The bow and arrow are effective hunting tools. It allows you to increase the distance between you and your prey, and take much less skill than the atlatl.

Blacksmith hammers hot iron on an anvil to change its shape making iron and steel tools. Blacksmith's need good hand-to-eye coordination, along with creative and design skills.


Tanning a hide involves a process which permanently alters the protein structure of skin, making it more durable and less susceptible to decomposition, and also possibly coloring it.

For centuries woodcarving has been done by using hand carving tools. Making all kinds of things.

Tipis have been around for a long time. Not only were the tipis a home, but also a sacred place that was shared with friends and family.

silver and black round analog watch
silver and black round analog watch

If you plan on spending much time in nature its always a good idea to learn how to navigate. Learning how to read a map, compass, and a gps can be helpful.

How to identify plants. Identifying plants that are edible, helpful in other ways, or are poisonous plants.

There are many different artistic things that we can do in nature. Things like weaving a basket, grinding pigment paints, and making musical instruments.

Come learn outdoor living skills first hand.